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Meet the team /Angelique Dioguardi

Angelique Dioguardi (She/her) 

Head of Business Development


Angelique “Lika” Dioguardi spent her childhood in Asia, Africa and Europe returning to the US for her final years of high school to Hawaii, her home state. This early exposure created an awareness of the world, which is a driving force in her life. As an eternal optimist she is motivated by improving the ability, lives and situation of others. She currently helps Kele Global with programming development design.

 After studying Philosophy and Economics at Saint Mary’s College, Indiana, she worked as a risk broker in New York, taught English in Japan, and lectured on inter-cultural diversity in mid-west high schools. She earned a Master’s in Environment and Development at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies and a Post Graduate Diploma in Public health from the University of Liverpool. 

She has worked in humanitarian relief and development for a number of organizations, as Head of Programming or Country Director. This is her 2 nd stint as a Board Member for an organization working with displaced, refugee or vulnerable children. She currently lives in Uganda, with her husband and two teenage girls.

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