Dr. Kristie Drucza (she/her) 

CEO of Includovate

 For a better world, we need to eliminate gender inequality, climate destruction and greed.

 With over 17-years of experience as a community developer, gender and inclusion adviser, or researcher, Dr. Kristie Drucza is theoretically strong on gender, human rights/child rights, and social inclusion, particularly within a developing country context. 

She completed her PhD in Political Anthropology on social inclusion and social protection. She has a Master’s in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development specialising in gender.

Dr Drucza has a passion for building partnerships and the capacity for systems change that leads to social inclusion. Systems change for social inclusion involves altering the underlying behaviour, mental models, evidence and relationships that keep the exclusion in place. It requires networking and peer-learning across power levels and structures. It is about changing the way people currently solve problems, and who is involved in examining these systems and structures so that exclusion is not reproduced. Those in the system have as much work to do as those outside the system.

For Dr. Drucza’s publications see: Dr. Kristie Drucza Research gate Profile

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