Emmanuel Mensah

Associate Researcher

 Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls, and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility. Ban Ki-moon.

 Emmanuel is a Uganda-based, Associate Researcher at Includovate. At Includovate, his work focuses on the development of research methodologies, data collection, data analysis and report writing. He also conducts policy analysis that enhance informed decision-making. 

Before joining Includovate, he worked at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), MobiPay AgroSys Limited, and Wang-oo Male Engagement Forum (WMEF), Uganda. At MobiPay, he worked as Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Officer with a focus on gender, inclusive market systems and agriculture, technology and digital financial inclusion for rural development, youths and women empowerment. As the co-founder of WMEF, his work focused on empowering and promoting transformative masculinity amongst males to ensure their accountability for gender equality.

As a Gender Research Fellow, at IITA, he investigated Intra-household decision-making for Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Nwoya District, Northern Uganda, and contributed a publication to the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security’s Partnership for Scaling CSA (P4S). Emmanuel holds a BSc in Community Nutrition (University for Development Studies, Ghana), and Masters of Arts in Gender Studies (Makerere University, Uganda).

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