Event Update: Validation Workshop on National Women Policy Review

by Mahider and Hidaya

The Ethiopian national policy for women is the basis to understand women’s standing in the nation.

The validation workshop, organized by MoWCY in collaboration with CARE Ethiopia, on the National Women Policy Review consolidated report took place in Addis Ababa on 16 March 2021.The main purpose was to discuss and review the research findings that Inculdovate was commissioned to review over the past one year and six months. In particular the workshop provided an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the: policy implication of the findings of the study and the way forward.

Different stakeholders, both from the government and non-government organizations, participated in the validation workshop.

Welcoming and opening remarks A delegate from MoWCY opened the workshop by welcoming participants and provided general information on the workshop. Her excellency Muna Ahmed, state minister at MoWCY made her opening remarks followed by Esther Watts, country director for CARE Ethiopia, who gave a brief explanation about the project and extended her acknowledgements for those institutions and individuals who actively participated in the study. The final opening speech was made by Dr. Kristie Drucza, CEO of Includovate.

The event had media coverage on the TV and radio by Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, MoWCY, GAGE, among others.

Workshop presentation Kiya Gezahegne, the lead researcher of this project, presented a summary of the consolidated report. Kiya started her presentation by providing a background information from ‘seizing the moment’ project and the research process pursued since January 2020 (including methodology and limitations of the study). She then presented a summary report on the findings from the deliverables of the project.

Following the presentation of the report, the research team who participated in the study highlighted some of the findings.

Working group discussions to review and give feedback on Action plan After a brief Q and A session, the workshop participants were divided into three breakout working groups to discuss and revise the Action plan. The working groups were; CSOs and UN agencies; Government agencies from regional level; and Government agencies at a federal level and members of MoWCY.

The working groups accepted most of the items proposed in the Action plan by Includovate.

Conclusion Ethiopia has shown progressive change in supporting women’s empowerment by making half of the ministers in the government, the president, the supreme court judge and the head of the election commission — women. Her excellency Muna Ahmed pointed out that the ministry is planning to put these research findings into action immediately and thanked all participants who contributed at the validation workshop.

About the project: The national review of this policy was commissioned to Includovate and has helped to see the gaps and challenges women face in not being considered equal to men by society, prevalence of gender based violence (GBV), limited reproductive rights and access to sexual and reproductive services and facilities, limited access to quality services, programme, and lack of enabling infrastructure.

Credits for notes/blog: Hanna Lemma, Hidaya Muhiden, Girma Hundessa, Kiya Gezahegne, Mahider Geleta, and Kristie Drucza.

As this project wraps up, we recognize it has been a big milestone to achieve for the Includoavte Team, we thank each and everyone for the work they put in — in no particular order — here: Sabrina, Hanna, Mahider, Gelila, Lelina, Lidya, Megertu, Hidaya, Abiyot, Tadele, Meaza, Kaleab, Kalkidan, Girma, Hiwot, Biqila, Melissa, Sonii, Iain, Zanta, Yeabstega, Betselot, Anwar, Genet, Rebecca, Engida, Abdisalam, May, Yoseph, Lalisa, Tilahun, Lemessa, Israel, Garuma, Tsega, Kiya, Beth, Heather, Kristie, Alex, Liya, Kanika, and Suruchi.
(We hope we are not missing out any names. Thank you to the STAR team!!!)

Includovate is a feminist research incubator that “walks the talk”. Includovate is an Australian social enterprise consisting of a consulting firm and research incubator that designs solutions for gender equality and social inclusion. Its mission is to incubate transformative and inclusive solutions for measuring, studying, and changing discriminatory norms that lead to poverty, inequality, and injustice. To know more about us at Includovate, follow our social media: @includovateLinkedInFacebookInstagram.


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