Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is integral to achieving global sustainable development goals, and World Vision’s “Our Promise” strategy and child well-being objectives.

GESI advances World Vision’s core values to promote human transformation by reaching the most vulnerable children and adults and challenging the root causes of vulnerability that sustain gender inequality and social exclusion, such as restrictive socio-cultural norms, unequal power relations and disempowering systems. Promoting

GESI is vital to meeting donor mandates to address the needs of the most vulnerable and to and achieve global commitments to create sustainable change. World Vision has a duty to capture and communicate the impact of our work to advance the wellbeing of the most vulnerable children, their families and communities as mandated by institutional priorities. The process of capturing GESI-related impact is challenging, requiring specific tools and skills to understand complex long-term processes of transformational development.

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