Learning Hex

A safe environment where participants can engage with one another & learn collaboratively about social inclusion


We help you unpack diversity, equity, and inclusion related values and issues


We empower individuals and groups to learn and grow together


We offer a safe space for meaningful discussions and a positive learning experience


We’ll help you become a better and more inclusive version of yourself

What is Learning Hex?

Learning Hex is a learning circle/Hexagon (or ‘Hex’ for short) that is designed to sensitise, educate, and foster diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) related values including racism and empowerment issues. By joining a learning hex of your topic of choice, you will deeply explore this sensitive topic. 

The Includovate Learning Hex provides a safe space for interested people to learn from each other, and to share their experiences around pre-agreed topics.

At Includovate, the hexagon is part of our logo and has a special significance. It represents a group of people supporting each other to grow and symbolises acceptance, equality, inclusion, and empowerment.

Deeply Explore


 Disability inclusion


Youth Inclusion

 Gender equality

 Inclusive research practices

 LGBTIQ+ inclusion 

This Learning Hex is for you, if

You’re a curious self-starter, life-long learner, and care about diversity and inclusion

You want to learn from your peers and believe in co-creation

You want to create and be part of an inclusive culture and community that challenges people to become a better versions of themselves

You are willing to prepare, ask questions, and have them deeply explored by your peers.

This Learning Hex is NOT for you, if

You’re looking for a quick fix

You can’t dedicate time and effort to be fully present in the discussions

You’re not willing to listen and learn from others

You think that diversity and inclusion is a fad and just a matter of compliance

You want to use the platform for self-promotion

What’s included in the Learning Hex membership?

 A safe space within a learning community 

 Online monthly meetings with an expert coach/facilitator

Resources and content sharing

10% off Includovate PRO subscriptions or one-off trainings

Lifetime alumni membership for Learning Hex updates, DEI product launches, and news and fresh offers

Learning Hex Membership Cost

The cost of the the eight hour-long sessions of each Learning Hex is USD 220 per participant. 

Each Learning Hex group will have six participants to maximise impact and peer-to-peer engagement

Each learning hex will run for eight sessions and each weekly session will run for an hour

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How can I join the Learning Hex?

Click the button below to explore the available themes and choose the one or more that fits your requirements. Choose your starting date and time. Get started by making your payment via paypal or credit card.

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