Social/Gender Norms

What are Social Norms

Social norms are the unwritten rules of behaviour that govern how a society and individuals should function and behave. Individuals engender and conform to norms due to the expectation of sanctions by their friends, family, neighbours and community members if they break a social norm.1

What are Gender Norms

Gender norms typically operate on an ideological level and an individual level. In other words, gender norms represent perspectives on what gender relations ‘should be like’ and how individuals of particular genders ‘should behave’ through their gender role.2Gender norms are social norms with gender-specific components.

Changing Social Norms

Changing social norms requires altering what is, and is not, acceptable at a community level, and nurturing individuals willing and able to ‘break’ social norms through their actions. This can be achieved through a systematic understanding of how norms work. 

To do this, norms have to be broken down into their specific components

  • Normative expectations – what do you think others think you should do?

  • Personal normative beliefs – what do you think?

  • Empirical expectations – what do others do?

  • Policing/sanctions – how are norms enforced?

  • Behaviors – what do you do?

Changing social norms, like exclusion practices and gender inequality, requires courage and conviction. It needs people who can innovate and drive change. This requires a mix of people external to the organisation/situation and those who are internal. The more diverse the problem-solving process, the longer the solutions last. Methodologies for how to do this are emerging and Includovate leads the way in using these innovative practices.

Programmes & Research

Through rigorous research and participatory stakeholder engagement, we measure and analyse the results from innovations to guarantee they deliver pro-poor and inclusive systems change. Our solutions enable clients to better implement their strategies for inclusive outreach, and to reduce discrimination with the peace of mind of knowing that it is underpinned by a solid research foundation. Includovate offers you more thoughtful participatory approaches and robust qualitative data that enables you to become and inclusive leader in your field.

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